Friday, May 30, 2014

Flower Pink BeWeather

BeWeather  set for Android user only :


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

HOW to edit Go Weather notification weather icon with APK Editor app

Apps you need : Go Weather EX and APK Editor from Play store.

First you need to collect weather icons on your folder(any) in internal storage to choose from..
I choose icons I need and placed in a folder I created as 'Images'.. name of icons won't matter..

1.Open Apk Editor app and choose 'Select Apk from App'
2.choose Go Weather EX

3. Click on Resource on bottom. it will open apk file..
4.choose drawable-hdpi folder to open(those icons  for panel)

5. you have to scroll far down to find icons you need to edit..
any icons with 'notify' name you need to edit as shown below.. I only edited white icons, with matching weather..
Just click on a icon you need to change and it will direct you internal storage to find a icons you need to replace.. then find a folder you stored your weather icons...

6.another folder you need to edit for notification weather on status bar..
drawable-xhdpi folder

7.same direct as above.. again you have to scroll far down to find icons you need to edit..
 once you done replacing each icons click Save on top right button and it will sign back apk..and your editted apk will be on 'apk Editor folder'
8. before you install with your apk, you need to unintall orginal Go Weather EX first.

Monday, May 26, 2014

iBose Smart Keyboard Skin

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

inspired by Mommylhey's new theme 'iBose'
thank you for letting me make match themes..


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

iBoss Weather set(for iphone user)

It also inspired by Mommylhey's theme 'iBoss'.  Go get  matching lovely theme and wallpapers from Her...


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

iBoss BeWeather

It also inspired by Mommylhey's theme 'iBoss'.  Go get  matching lovely theme and wallpapers from Her...

I made two different icons.. one with Bow and one without.. Please pick favorite of your kind...

This one with my fav. Bow and heart:


This one is without BOW :


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Precious Moment BeWeather and Weather set(for Iphone)

Precious Moment BeWeather:


BeWeather for Android user :

Iphone user only :

After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pastel rainbow Heart wallpapers(7)

7 wallpapers for

After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Freebie wallpapers~

I was bored and played with photoshop and made those wallpapers and decided to share~
Enjoy~ ^^

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PinkRibbon Icons

Icons set(39) for $1.50

matching wallpapers
May Pattern wallpapers set:

for $1.35

Precious Moment Wallpapers(5)

All 5 wallpapers are for $1.25

After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Color Splash Smart Keyboard skin (Freebie~)

made inspired by Doodled Pop 's theme 'ColorSplash'.. thanks for allow me to make matching skin..

FlyGirl Weather set for Iphone user

for Iphone user only :


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

FlyGirl Smart Keyboard Skin..

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

inspired by Mommylhey's new theme 'Flygirl'

**This one is with HelloKitty face for HK lover^^



**This one is with Heart :


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

FlyGirl BeWeather set

 inspired by Mommylhey's new theme 'Flygirl', I had to make matching weather set..^^ 
Love this theme..Lovely color~ just used those color she used on that theme..
Go get matching theme and wallpapers from Her...


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Circular time and date uccw

originally made by
converted to uccw..

Saturday, May 10, 2014

HelloKitty Weather set for Iphone user

This weather set for IPhone user Only...


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Love BeWeather

 Love Beweather


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Cute Time and Date UCCW theme(freebie)

Weather not included..

PinkyGray Smart keyboard skin(zip)

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Vintagestic Smart Keyboard

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

made this theme  inspired by Iphonemizee's new theme 'Vintagestic'

After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Long time and date UCCW

Inspired by iphone iwidget, I made Uccw wedget as requested.. enjoy~

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Gray HK wallpapers(freebie)

PinkHKribbon CK for iphone user

My first iphone ck theme...
thanks for test for me Adriana!!


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

SugarSpice Smart Keyboard Skin(freebie)

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

**Inspired by Lou's theme: Sugar$Spice** love those color!!

It's very similar with Primadonna skin theme, so it's free... thank you everyone for loving my skins...

Primadonna Smart Keyboard Skin(zip)

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

**Inspired by Lou's theme**


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Causeimhappy Smart Keyboard Skin

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

made inspired by Iphonemizee's theme...


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Pink HK ribbon Smart Keyboard Skin(zip)

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

DarkSummer Smart Keyboard skins(2)

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

**Inspired by Lou's theme 'DarkSummer'**

those two skin zip for $1.50

After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.

Glassy Smart Keyboard Skin(zip)

**For Smart Keyboard, Dodol Keyboard and Kii Keyboard skin **
Place zip file in "skins" folder in your internal storage.

**Inspired by Lou's theme 'Glassy'**


After payment , please click ” Return to merchant”  to get to the dropbox download link !.